Unlock your
team’s potential


Stop going round in

Are you feeling overwhelmed by constant people-related challenges in your organisation? 

Do you find yourself repeatedly dealing with the same issues, despite trying multiple solutions? 

The stress of unproductive meetings, unresolved conflicts, and disengaged employees can be exhausting and demoralising.

A workplace filled with purpose

Imagine a workplace where every individual feels valued, understood, and motivated to contribute their best.

Picture a team that collaborates seamlessly, is driven by a shared purpose and where everyone has a clear understanding of each colleague's unique strengths. 

This is not just a dream—it's a reality that can be achieved through strengths-based coaching.


Catherine has a special gift at making you feel instantly at ease and then seen, heard and understood. She is a consummate professional in all areas of her business and takes a genuine interest in those she works with. For her clients, she offers a safe place to explore passions, purpose and potential in order to make progress - whether individually or as a team. Catherine will help shine light on your strengths and then be a wise guide as you explore how best to use them!

Would definitely recommend Catherine - get in touch with her for a conversation which you will find valuable and could lead to much more.


I highly recommend Cat as a coach. She provides a gentle, supportive thinking space and listens forensically. She will spot things that you miss, and then you can decide what is most significant for your next steps - she won't impose her judgements on you. Coaching moves us forward and helps us notice what is significant and what we need to prioritise.  Cat is a great person to accompany you on that journey.


Why CliftonStrengths is the game-changer you need


In today's competitive business environment, traditional approaches to team development often fall short. They tend to focus on identifying and fixing weaknesses, leading to a cycle of frustration and minimal growth. CliftonStrengths offers a revolutionary alternative—one that focuses on what makes each individual naturally talented and how those talents can be harnessed to achieve extraordinary results.

  •  Unlike other methods that concentrate on correcting deficiencies, CliftonStrengths emphasises the importance of building on individual strengths. This shift from a deficit-based to a strength-based approach fosters a positive, motivating environment where people are encouraged to excel in areas where they naturally shine.

  • Based on decades of research by Gallup, CliftonStrengths is a reliable and scientifically validated tool. It has helped millions of people worldwide to understand their unique strengths and use them effectively.

  • With 34 distinct strengths and over 33 million possible combinations, CliftonStrengths provides a highly personalised profile for each individual. This detailed insight allows for tailored development strategies that maximise personal and team potential.

CliftonStrengths makes a difference to:

  • Self-awareness: Understanding your unique talents leads to greater self-awareness, boosting confidence, job satisfaction, and productivity.

    Personal Development: By identifying areas of greatest potential, you can focus on developing strengths rather than struggling to improve weaknesses, leading to more effective and enjoyable growth.

  • Enhanced Team Dynamics: Knowing each team member's strengths fosters mutual respect, reduces conflicts, and enhances collaboration. Teams become more cohesive and effective when members appreciate and leverage each other's talents.

    Role Alignment: Managers can better align roles and responsibilities by understanding the strengths of their team members. This alignment leads to increased efficiency, job satisfaction, and overall team performance.

  • Improved Performance: Organisations that implement CliftonStrengths see tangible improvements in performance metrics. According to Gallup research, strengths-based organisations are more profitable, have higher productivity, lower turnover, and improved customer ratings.

    Increased Employee Engagement: A strengths-based approach significantly boosts employee engagement. Engaged employees are more passionate about their work, leading to higher quality outcomes and greater organisational success.

Here’s why you’d want to
work with me

Imagine your team operating at its highest potential, with each member feeling confident and engaged. This transformation starts with a strengths-based approach.


Renewed Clarity

Together, we'll cut through the noise and get to the heart of the issues holding you and your team back. By understanding and leveraging each person's natural talents, we can create a clear path forward.

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Purpose and Engagement

I’ll help you and your team rediscover the passion for your work. When individuals understand their unique role within the organisation and how it fits into the larger vision, motivation and enthusiasm naturally follow.

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Effective Solutions

I bring new insights and innovative strategies to your greatest challenges, acting as a catalyst for peaceful, well-executed change. With a bespoke approach tailored to your specific needs, we can achieve the results you desire.

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Who I Work With

I Empower:

Organisations to excel whilst recruiting and retaining key talent amidst pressures and challenges.

Teams to boost productivity, improve profitability, and cultivate accountability that resonates across all levels.

Managers to restore trust and enhance their leadership capabilities, shaping future-ready leaders.

Founders and CEOs to maximise team potential and adapt swiftly to evolving business landscapes.


Transformative results with
proven methods

Strengths-based organisations see measurable improvements in performance, productivity, and employee satisfaction.



of Fortune 500 companies have used CliftonStrengths


lower attrition rates


increase in profit


increase in sales


higher customer engagement



By focusing on what individuals do best, CliftonStrengths helps unlock their full potential, creating a thriving, high-performing workplace. 

When employees are encouraged to use their strengths every day, they are six times more likely to be engaged in their work, six times more likely to strongly agree that they have the opportunity to do what they do best every day, and three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life.

Embrace the CliftonStrengths approach and watch your organisation transform from within

Let’s work together to discover and develop the strengths that will propel you and your team to new heights.




About Catherine Gray

A breathe of fresh air in the corporate world

I bring a unique, data-driven approach to coaching, blending my skills as a coach, consultant, facilitator, and strategist, to create bespoke plans tailored to your needs. My philosophy is simple: surpass your goals, understand the unique value of each team member, and foster a joyful, productive, culture that people love being part of.

Let’s work together to transform your team into a high-performing, engaged group that loves to work together and never misses a deadline!

    • Genuine Care: Your success is my priority, and I am fully dedicated to supporting you and your team.

    • Empathy and Understanding: I recognise the challenges you face, and I am here to help you navigate them.

    • Embracing Change: Change is both difficult and necessary. I will guide you through it at a pace that suits your organisation.

    • Immersive Approach: I become part of your world, ensuring a deep understanding of your unique challenges and goals.

    • Small but Mighty: My organisation is compact yet powerful, delivering a data-driven and highly personalised approach.


Catherine Gray is a multifaceted coach who is part insightful, part analytical, and all heart for a comprehensive coaching experience. Cat has incredible superpowers in patience, insight and asking just the right question to get to the bottom of what's really going on.



I have appreciated every interaction I've had with Catherine. She is wonderfully attuned with others, masterful at the coaching process, and eager to help. She is an expert at various personal assessments and coaching methods, and is able to bring those specialties to solve different client issues. Catherine is full of hope, energy, and goodwill, and she shines in sparking new possibilities to client's lives. I highly recommend Catherine as a coach and facilitator!


Book your session here

Tailored coaching for lasting impact

Strengths Discussion
Free of Charge

Free introductory call to explore how strengths coaching can benefit you and your team

Strengths Discovery

Six 1:1 sessions plus your CliftonStrengths assessment code

Strengths Development
Book a call to discuss

Ongoing coaching and training for individuals or entire teams


By embracing the power of strengths-based coaching, you can transform your leadership, your team, and your entire organisation. Discover the difference it can make and take the first step towards unlocking your full potential.